If a database table contain duplicate records the it is easy to select unique records by using DISTINCTfunction. but when a .NET DataTable contains duplicate records then, there is no built-in function to remove or select unique records from a DataTable.


The main goal of this article is to create a function and removes and select unique records from a DataTable in C#.NET and return a clean and duplicate free DataTable.


For removing duplicate records from DataTable, I have create the below funciton which needs two parameters, DataTable and Column Name. This function is searching for duplicate records in DataTable given column name from second parameter and adding the row (record) in an ArrayList variable. Then, the record will be deleted from the datatable by running a loop on founded duplicate records.
DataTable contain duplicate records:

Function for removing duplicate records from DataTable

/// <summary>
/// Remove duplicate records from data table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="table">DataTable for removing duplicate records</param>
/// <param name="DistinctColumn">Column to check for duplicate values or records</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DataTable RemoveDuplicateRows(DataTable table, string DistinctColumn)
        ArrayList UniqueRecords = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList DuplicateRecords = new ArrayList();

        // Check if records is already added to UniqueRecords otherwise,
        // Add the records to DuplicateRecords
        foreach(DataRow dRow in table.Rows)
            if (UniqueRecords.Contains(dRow[DistinctColumn]))

        // Remove dupliate rows from DataTable added to DuplicateRecords
        foreach (DataRow dRow in DuplicateRecords)

        // Return the clean DataTable which contains unique records.
        return table;
    catch (Exception ex)
        return null;

Using the function

It is very easy to use this function, all you need is to pass the datatable and column name parameters to the function and the function returns the cleaned datatable


DataTable DuplicateRecords = objDatabase.getTable("SQL Query");
DataTable UniqueRecords = RemoveDuplicateRows(DuplicateRecords, "Column Name to check for duplicate records");
Clean and duplicate free DataTable using the above function:


The above function is selecting the first record and deleting others if duplicate record is found in DataTable.


By using this function you will be able to clean your datatable from duplicate records.
Feel free to comment, suggest or give your feedback.
The post C#.NET – Removing Duplicate Records From DataTable appeared first on Noor Ahmad Feroozi.